Welcome to this month’s general card reading. I hope that it will resonate with those of you who read it and you will find it helpful.
Cards duplicated in the last 6 months:
May and July – Ace of Cups
May and July – 2 of Cups
April and July – The Sun
July starts off with more of the feeling that we know where we are going and are willing to move forward with optimism, as well as more love and compassion being given and received which harks back to the April and May cards.
As we start off this month the sun is shining and there is a real feeling of positivity, knowing our road and that the journey is possible. This Major Arcana cards brings a powerful sense of optimism.
The first part of July shows that our hearts are open and there is an elevated willingness to treat others with compassion and understanding. Some people might feel inspired to look for a romantic partner. Whatever is motivating us, we are coming from a place of wanting to know our purpose in life and what we’re doing on this
planet at this time. Any new project that we undertake has to have a meaning beyond that of making money – it has to be purposeful and we need to be filled with the passion to succeed. Anything less just won’t satisfy us.
In the middle part of the month it will be really important to hold on to our vision and not get side-tracked. Persistence and vision are the key words. We must keep our goals in sight and not allow anyone to take us off track. Someone new could turn up, or an acquaintance could gain more importance in our life. If
this is a romantic involvement we could lose impetus due to being distracted by the inevitably emotional journey we have embarked on. However, the person could equally be a new business connection who will be able to help us with our project. The advice is ultimately – don’t throw everything to the wind because of a new romance. It might or might not last and we don’t want to be left with any ‘what ifs’ and regrets. Any mature individual will understand that our life
didn’t begin on the day we met them. If they immediately try to make themselves the centre of our world, then that should be a warning sign for things to come.
Towards the end of July it will be time to lighten up and have some fun. This indicates that we might have started to take life too seriously and our project has become a bit less fun and a bit more like work. If this has become the case, then take some time off – go to a party, have a picnic, go to the cinema – anything to get
us away from work so that we can return refreshed. This is important as it will give our intuition the chance to strengthen and give us guidance – something that gets seriously inhibited when we get worried and burdened and stop listening to it.
As we come to the end of the month we will encounter some obstacles and at this point I will go back to the earlier message of being persistent and not getting side-tracked. Obstacles are a part of life – they are opportunities to learn – but they can also take our eyes off the goal and become the goal if we aren’t careful.
Recognise that they have appeared because we have lessons to learn – we can then identify the lesson, learn it and move on. In the light of an obstacle I will frequently ask myself – ‘what is the energy I’m putting out that has attracted this lesson to me?’ It can be quite illuminating.
Our luck throughout the month is to make wise choices. The Lovers doesn’t necessarily mean romantic choices, but general life choices. It’s important that we make mature decisions because others are affected by our choices.
Wishing you all a joyful July! The Major Arcana cards this month say it all – we will know where we’re going and must follow our road with optimism and excitement. We must make sure to listen to our intuition and allow it to guide us, and ultimately make wise and thoughtful decisions because other people will also be