Welcome to this month’s general card reading. I hope that it will resonate with those of you who read it and you will find it helpful.
Cards duplicated in the last 6 months:
January, February and March – 8 of Swords
February and March – Ace of Swords
November, January and March – 2 of Pentacles
October and March – 10 of Cups
Feeling stuck between a rock and a hard place appears to be a theme this year as the 8 of Swords has turned up for the third month in a row. The birth of new ideas follows on from last month along with the re-emergence of starting our own businesses or new courses of study. It is nice to see strong loving bonds with others appearing again, indicating that they will be even more
important this month.
As we start off this month we are being asked to step up and be counted. If we are amongst the people who felt energised by new creative and imaginative ventures in February, now is the time to walk our talk. It is important that we have done our research and know what we’re talking about. Otherwise we will lose the faith
of the people who would have been willing to support us. Jumping from one idea to another without finishing anything doesn’t inspire faith in our seriousness about our ideas. Once we have committed the time and energy to giving our new ventures the best chance of success, make sure that people know that we welcome them sharing your journey, but we won’t allow anyone to side-track us as it’s very important that we follow our dream.
The first part of March will be important in identifying both the situations and people in our lives that need to remain in the past. It is time to walk away from them in order to reorientate ourselves on both a financial and physical level. It will be time to invest some money in studying or a new business venture and moving
away from people or situations that will distract us (without offering any value to our lives) from creating a better future for ourselves will help tremendously.
In the middle part of the month we could end up stuck between a rock and a hard place where whichever way we turn someone is going to be upset with us. This is invariably a situation of our own making where we have tried to take the easy option and not made ourselves understood in the first place. We could have kept quiet and
thereby given the people around us an inaccurate opinion as to what we really think. It will be time to make our thoughts absolutely open and transparent in order to remove all doubt as to where we stand. This is part of the Emperor energy, which is what we started the month with. How can we move forward with confidence and expect others to support us if we aren’t prepared to walk the walk and talk the talk? Fortunately we have loving relationships and bonds that will
last a lifetime, so being forgiven for our past transgressions is more than likely – especially if we make sure we don’t repeat them. This might be the beginning of a new love relationship for some of us, which will have the potential of becoming a lifelong partnership.
Towards the end of March we will have a strong network of people who are prepared to support us in both financial and emotional ways. We, ourselves, might find that we are also in the position of being able to support others in our network in equal measure. It will feel good to know that we have people around us that will have
our back as we move forward into our new ventures. There will be a definite air of anticipation and restlessness around us. We will feel that we can do more with our lives, but it is early days and the fire has only just been lit.
As we come to the end of the month we will find that things are moving at a pace. The match that was lit just a short time ago has increased in fire power and some of us will be ready to relocate – either our homes or our work – and there will be a definite feeling of expansion. Our lives will feel too small and that we have
outlived them, so it’s time to make them a bigger and better experience.
Our luck throughout the month is our new ideas, which makes it even more imperative that we don’t allow anyone to side track us or put their needs above ours. This obviously doesn’t apply to people who aren’t able to look after themselves through reasons of disability, sickness or youth, but it applies to everyone else. This is
a month where we can progress, not just for our own benefit, but for the benefit of those around us, so we need to make this clear and garner their support rather than allowing them to become stumbling blocks along the way.
I wish you a magnificent March in which you will be able to make headway in creating new adventures and cementing strong bonds with the people in your lives.