Welcome to this month’s general card reading. I hope that it will resonate with those of you who read it and you will find it helpful.
Cards duplicated in the last 6 months:
April and June – 6 of Cups
February, April and June – 6 of Swords
March and June – 6 of Pentacles
February and June – 9 of Cups
February and June – 9 of Swords
January and June – 4 of Wands
Quite a bit of the energy from the first 4 months of the year is returning this month. These combined bring a feeling of hope, spiritual learning, having a supportive network, pride in achievements and faith in money and resources being available for the journey forward. However, fear and anxiety about the future is also in the mix.
As we start off this month there is a feeling of peace and tranquillity, knowing where our hearts lie and that our dreams are about to come to fruition.
The first part of June we will really value our network of friends and family who support us, as we support them in equal measure! This can come in the form of money and/or emotional support and assistance. We won’t want to sit and wait for things to come to us anymore, but will be all fired up and ready to take the world by
storm. There is a new energy in the air.
In the middle part of the month love and passion will come into our lives. This can be a matter of falling in love with a person, or finding a project that we are passionate about. Whatever it is, it gives us a lot of motivation to welcome every new day with enthusiasm. However, we have to armour ourselves against the
pervasive feelings of anxiety and fear. Whenever we fall in love with anything at all, we become vulnerable, and then we can easily fall into the fear of losing that which we have just found. We can start to believe that it’s too good to be true and there must be some catch. It’s important not to live in the past, but embrace the future wholeheartedly and know that we attract the people, situations and things that are on the same energy level as us. A new day is dawning so move
forward in trust and faith that all will be well.
Towards the end of June following on from the beginning of the month, money and resources will be available so that we can pursue our dreams and we will have this feeling of joy and celebration which comes from committing ourselves wholeheartedly to our loved ones and the work that we do. As my grandmother used to say, ‘You can’t put
in a penny and expect to take out sixpence!’ We have given our all and we can expect the reward for that.
As we come to the end of the month we will realise the extent of our spiritual progress. We will find we have more compassion for others and a deeper understanding of the human condition – much of which we have opened up to over the past year or so as we have been forced out of our comfort zones.
Our luck throughout the month is that it is the end of an era and we will get the rewards that we deserve. This is a double edged sword because it translates into ‘we reap what we sow’ and, quoting my grandmother once again, if we have only put in a penny we can’t expect to take out sixpence. It is a time of reckoning this month
when people will withdraw from life what they have put into life.
I wish you a jubilant June where you embrace the new energy that is around and move forward with confidence and enthusiasm and grasp with both hands all that life has to offer. It’s not a month to dwell in the past, hold grudges or remember slights – it’s a month to realise that life has an abundance of gifts for us – we just have to believe and keep
raising our energy levels in order to receive them. We can’t expect to be presented with a sparkling diamond when we are sat in the mud of fear, bitterness, anger and regret. To quote an old adage – Today is the first day of the rest of your life!