Welcome to this month’s general card reading. I hope that it will resonate with those of you who read it and you will find it helpful.
Cards duplicated in the last 6 months:
August, September and December – Page of Swords
July and December – 3 of Cups
The recurring theme of keeping away from gossip and gossipy people rears its head again which makes sense considering it is so easy to get drawn into rabbit holes these days, where we can never be 100% sure that the information we are being fed is true or not. It is really important to base our opinions on our own personal experience rather than on what we are being told by
others. We are also being encouraged to concentrate on new relationships and projects which can nurture us during these challenging times.
As we start off this month many of us will be feeling very self-satisfied and proud of our achievements, even if it is something as simple as getting through November with a clearer idea of who we are and what we want to achieve. It’s a good positive start to the month.
The first part of December will herald a tendency to rest on our laurels. The feeling of achievement that we start the month with might encourage us to bask in that feeling and be reluctant to move out of our comfort zone. The problem is that we aren’t meant to stagnate, we are meant to achieve and then get onto something new –
otherwise we end up blocking creativity and finance. So, we need to pat ourselves on the back and then start making plans for the future –where do we want to be in 3 months, 6 months etc. These can be short term goals or long term goals. It doesn’t matter as long as we are moving forward.
In the middle part of the month something or someone new could appear in our lives. This can be a new love relationship, business partnership or project - something that sparks passion in our lives. I emphasise that this is new – so it won’t be the returning of an ex-partner, business or otherwise, or a project that has been in
mothballs. Some disruption and possibly a bit of chaos will ensue with the need to adapt to this new influence in our lives – it is usually the case that anything significant will change our lives in one way or another.
Towards the end of December we would be wise to be vigilant and keep our own counsel. We could start having new, innovative ideas which will excite us, but which can be easily squashed if we tell lots of people and get some negative feedback. We could even give up on our dreams if we get a negative response from someone we
respect. It’s best to keep quiet and only tell the people who absolutely need to know until our ideas have gained some substance and traction and, more importantly, we have achieved a mind-set that we won’t give up whatever anyone says. It isn’t just about our new ideas though! It is really important to keep away from gossip or gossipy people at this time because no good can come of it. We can get dragged down a rabbit hole, lose impetus and focus and end up feeling that
things haven’t worked out the way we wanted them to. Whatever we start this month, whether it’s a love relationship, business partnership or new project, we need to take off the rose coloured glasses and be honest with ourselves as to the possible outcome. Does the other person want the same thing we do? If we are looking for a long term relationship is the new love interest looking for the same or are they a player? Does our new business partner want the same type of
business as we do? Do we want a small business but they are looking at chain stores? If we ask the relevant questions right at the beginning, then the likelihood of us feeling let down and cheated is less likely to happen.
As we come to the end of the month money and resources will be coming our way. There will be a lot of hard work ahead, but the time we have invested will reap dividends and we will at least be able to break even. It is early days and things will be looking promising.
Our luck throughout the month is that spiritual help is at hand to extricate us from situations in our lives which we just can’t seem to shake off alone. Somebody up there loves us and will recognise that we are at the end of our tether and help will be sent our way. That help can arrive in the form of people, or synchronicities that
will free us. If we are at our wit’s end, then it is time to ask the Universe/God/Creator (whichever term we use) for help and then be willing to take it when it comes.
December feels a bit subdued to be honest. There are no major arcana cards to indicate massive changes in our lives. It’s more about us doing inner work and keeping our goals close to home. Valuing new friendships, setting boundaries and being clear about what we want in our lives and moving forward with those plans. Our main obstacle
this month is if we decide to spice things up by indulging in gossip, or diving into the abundance of conspiracy theories which are doing the rounds. These will trigger our emotions big time, and when we are in a heightened emotional state then our goals, friendships and projects take a back seat, or get ditched completely. This holiday season is likely to be very different for many people who will be approaching it with a feeling of sadness. I understand that it is
difficult, but would like to suggest that it doesn’t have to be a complete failure if we nurture our friendships in any way we can and make plans for new projects. In this way we will be able to welcome 2021 with a sense of enthusiasm for the new things that we have birthed this month.
I wish you all health and happiness this December and may all your troubles be little ones!