Welcome to this month’s general card reading. I hope that it will resonate with those of you who read it and you will find it helpful.
Cards duplicated in the last 6 months:
June and August – 4 of Swords
April and August – 9 of Swords
April and August – Page of Swords
March and August – Knight of Wands
March and August – The Chariot
As you can see, a lot of the energy from the Spring when the lockdowns began is coming up again. The fear and anxiety, shortness of temper, gossip and spreading of not necessarily accurate news will likely consume the best part of this month.
As we start off this month some of us will be experiencing change. We might be moving home or changing jobs. Whatever prompts this move, it is an opportunity for expansion and new beginnings and we would be wise to view it as such.
The first part of August will be challenging for many of us. We need to be focused and disciplined and keep our eyes on the end result that we want to manifest. However, we can easily get frustrated and irritated when things don’t work to our timing or our liking and might succumb to getting angry with the people around us. Fear
and anxiety about the future can consume us if we aren’t careful, and this will be tied to our experiences of the past. What we need to remember is that we manifest our own reality and just because some things didn’t work out for us in the past, doesn’t mean that the same will happen in the future. It is really important to look forward to a bright and happy future and not dwell in the negative experiences of the past. Ultimately, when we live in the past we have no future –
because by the power of our fears and thoughts we keep manifesting the past over and over again.
In the middle part of the month we might need to come forward to help others and be their counsellor and healer. We will have to tread carefully though as gossip and rumours will be abounding. The best advice I can give is to not get involved in gossip or with people that gossip, as we could end up being on the wrong end of the
stick. Least said, soonest mended, as the saying goes. It is best for us to keep our own counsel and don’t tell people things they don’t need to know. By keeping our mouths closed we won’t get ourselves into trouble!
Towards the end of August the heavier energy of the month will have lightened up somewhat. We will have more energy and will want to get out into the world to see what it can offer. This needs to be allied to listening to our own inner voice rather than other people’s opinions. The world is an uncertain place at the moment and the
rules seem to be changing on an almost daily basis, so our ‘getting out into the world’ might end up being more virtual than physical, but the important thing to note is that we will have the enthusiasm to explore our options and make plans for the times to come when the restrictions have been lifted. If we ally that to our intuition and self-reflection we will find ourselves guided as to what direction to go in next. Meditation will also be very helpful at this
As we come to the end of the month there is a feeling of stability. Our actions at the end of the month will have the effect of us feeling more grounded and more able to look after ourselves, others and our finances. Some of us could be attracting people who will benefit from our calmness in this chaotic time.
Our luck throughout the month is our relationships. We need to nourish and value the people around us and seek out those who we have harmonious and peaceful relationships with. As mentioned earlier, it’s wise to give the gossipy people in our circles a wide berth at this time.
August is likely to be a challenging month, especially if we give into fear and we listen to negative news – wherever it comes from. It is really important to keep our vibration high and look for the good that is happening in the world – and it is there if we look for it. Currently, the problem is that only the negative news seems to hit the
headlines! If we search out the positive news items and people, we will feel much stronger and in control by the end of the month!
I wish you a peaceful August and hope that everyone remembers that these times too will pass!