Welcome to this month’s general card reading. I hope that it will resonate with those of you who read it and you will find it helpful.
Cards duplicated in the last 6 months:
August and October – Queen of Pentacles
July and October – The Moon
July and October – The Tower
June, July and October – 6 of Wands
As you can see, the summer energies are hitting us again and the most powerful ones come right at the beginning of the month with 2 major arcana cards. This translates to confusion, illusion and things/people leaving our lives and all manner of disruption. We also have the energy of the Queen of Pentacles which encourages us to remain grounded amidst the chaos.
As we start off this month there is a lot of confusion. We won’t know where we are going and will likely feel as though we are completely out of control and that nothing in our lives is going according to plan. At this time it is hard to know what to believe because smoke and mirrors are everywhere creating illusions and falsehoods
wherever we look.
The first part of October can potentially be tricky to navigate because the confusion is compounded by things in our lives leaving us. This can be jobs, situations or people – however, it is good to remember that the only things that are departing are those that are no longer for us and have passed their sell-by-date. I see the Tower
very much as a housekeeping card – the Universe is clearing out the things in our lives which are no longer for us for the future, which leaves room for new experiences and people to come in. We feel pain when we try and hold on to that which is leaving, rather than going with the flow and accepting that everything eventually has an ending so that we can experience new beginnings. We are being encouraged to stay close to home and remain grounded – maybe to become a port in a storm
for others who will need our stability and good old common sense. We would be wise to gather money and resources at this time and stay securely in our comfort zones.
In the middle part of the month we are being advised to stay close to the people in our lives whom we have created lifelong bonds with, who love and support us through thick and thin. They will be our safe harbour in these chaotic times, as we will be for them. It is also timely for us to look at habits that we have which are no longer
serving us. This could be something as simple as diet and exercise or giving up smoking – or it could go deeper into negative thinking, living in fear and an addiction to drama. Simply put, whatever doesn’t bring us joy should be looked at carefully and a commitment made to let go of it. We can live in fear and expect the worst to happen, or we can live in love and know that these times are temporary and focus on the world we want to live in – the choice is ours. The changes we
commit to making are entirely up to us – nobody else’s opinion matters!
Towards the end of October we will be well and truly over the volatility and chaos and be ready to have some party time. We will feel the need to lighten up and have some fun, so you might want to switch off the news, retreat from social media and watch some comedy programmes on Netflix – or meet up with some friends – all depending on if we
are in a lockdown area or not. This lighter energy will also open up a new opportunity, as will the determination to rid ourselves of bad habits, or those that no longer serve us. There is the potential for a new project which we will be passionate about because it will come from a life purpose position. However, this is only likely to happen if we have committed to the internal work and have detached from the drama and chaos of the outside world, which will suck the life out of us
if we let it.
As we come to the end of the month there is the tendency to worry and a weakening in our resolve if we aren’t careful. The thing about worry is that it blocks our intuition and guidance and puts us in a prison of our own making. My advice is to write a list of everything that is of concern and go through that list. Check off each
item, big and small and ask ‘Can I do anything about this?’ If we can, then do it and we can cross it off the list. If we can’t, then what’s the point of worrying about it? It is out of our control and we don’t want to attract the situation to us by giving it all our energy! So, let it go and cross it off the list too!
Our luck throughout the month is success and people congratulating us on things we have achieved. This can be something concrete like getting married, having a baby, passing an exam, a promotion or new job, or it can purely be because we have managed to be strong and stable amongst all the madness and have set an example for others to
emulate. If we have actively been a safe haven for others, then we will gain a lot of respect as well.
October is a month which reminds me a bit of ‘The Lord of the Rings’ – the fight between good and evil. However, this fight is an internal one – are we going to remain unanchored for the whole month, our moods depending on what we hear next on the news or social media, and be constantly in a state of fear? Or, are we going to emotionally
detach from everything negative that we don’t have an actual impact on, refuse to be manipulated by anything outside of our sphere of influence and stay grounded and happy within our bubble of light and positivity, with a firm view of a world unfolding that we actually want to live in? The choice is entirely ours – it isn’t about what other people do or don’t do, say or don’t say – it’s always about our reaction to it!
Wishing you a comfortable and transformational October, filled with the love of friends and family!