Welcome to this month’s general card reading. I hope that it will resonate with those of you who read it and you will find it helpful.
Cards duplicated in the last 6 months:
April, August and September – Page of Swords
August and September – Knight of Wands
June and September – Judgement
April and September – High Priestess
It is notable to point out that the tendency for gossip is still with us and we would be wise not to contribute to the conversation. Moving jobs and homes, as well as other means of expansion are also in the cards for some of us. We are being reminded of the messages from spring and early summer that we will get our just rewards and to let our intuition guide
As we start off this month there is a feeling of excitement and positivity. Many of us will know the road that we need to take and will be much more optimistic than before.
The first part of September will see some of us experiencing change. We might be moving home or changing jobs. Whatever prompts this move, it is an opportunity for expansion and new beginnings and we would be wise to view it as such. These opportunities will be tied to the work that we have already put in and will be in
recognition of previous achievements. So expect rewards for the efforts that have been made in the past.
In the middle part of the month we will be feeling restless and be tempted to try and push the river. This is the time to tune into our intuition as it will guide us to right timing – it’s important to be patient as not all the pieces of the jigsaw are in place quite yet.
Towards the end of September is the birth of new projects where we will be able to move forward and nurture both ourselves and the people around us. For some people it could bring a pregnancy. Whatever it is that we are giving birth to, it would be wise to keep our own counsel – don’t tell people what we are up to, or our ideas, unless
they absolutely need to know. In this particular climate whatever we say is likely to be misinterpreted and blown out of proportion, so keeping quiet is highly recommended.
As we come to the end of the month there is a feeling of peace and tranquillity (as long as we have kept our thoughts private) and that our dreams are about to come to fruition. We will have a feeling of validation that we are on the right path, as indicated at the beginning of the month.
Our luck throughout the month is our positivity. Keeping our eyes firmly focused on hope and faith and not allowing the outside world with all its chaos to impact us. It is more important than ever to mind our own business and let everyone else mind theirs.
September has the potential of being a great month for expansion and knowing our direction at long last. We will be rewarded for the efforts we have made and as long as we follow our intuition and focus on our own lives and aspirations we will do fine and end the month in a much better mental state than we might have started it. However, we
can easily forfeit that peace and tranquillity if we engage with the outside world and its current volatile atmosphere. The choice is always ours.
I wish you a successful and expansive September and wonderful new projects.