Welcome to this month’s general card reading. I hope that it will resonate with those of you who read it and you will find it helpful.
Cards duplicated in last 6 months:
May and July – 7 of Pentacles
May and July – Ace of Wands
February and July – 10 of Pentacles
The main message of this month is about making choices, starting new creative ventures and building something substantial in our lives.
As we start off this month we would be advised to keep well clear of gossip as we could end up holding the wrong end of the stick. The curious side of our nature could lead us into delving into new ideas and coming to new conclusions, but we would be wise to keep our own counsel – only tell the people that need to know. The
problem with telling all and sundry about new potential ventures is that the naysayers can pour cold water over our ideas and kill them before they have had a chance to take root.
The first part of July hits a really positive note. We are advised to get out into the world and market ourselves – if we have a good idea, then we need to share it. It’s time to stop hiding our light under a bushel. Bearing in mind the first card that came up about only telling people who need to know, this card is about
sharing ideas that have been well thought out and formulated – not ones that have just popped into our heads and haven’t had time to germinate. We will find success and people congratulating us on our contributions and ideas if we are courageous enough to share them.
In the middle part of the month we will be loving what we do, and the people who are around us in our lives. We will be looking forward to getting up in the morning as we will be doing things we love to do. We will also be less tolerant of the things or people who aren’t such a happy experience and will be weighing up whether we
should put up with situations or just cut the cords that bind us.
Towards the end of July we will be making decisions about whether to stay where we are or make significant changes. We will be feeling as though we are stagnating in our current circumstances, even though they might not be particularly unpleasant, and that we need to move onto something new. As soon as we decide to move forward
there will be an upturn in creative ideas and we will have additional energy. We might not know exactly what direction we are going in, but there will be a sense of optimism and excitement once the decision is made to make the necessary changes.
As we come to the end of the month we need to take some time to acknowledge our achievements – whether they are to do with family, friends or business. So often people jump from one challenge to another, never taking time to take pride in their success after each one! Concentrate on the good things achieved and stop for a while
to bask in that achievement, rather than rushing headlong into the next project. Quoting the well-known saying ‘We are human beings, not human doings!’
Our luck throughout the month can be travel for some of us, but overall it’s a feeling of smooth sailing when anxiety and tension are behind us.
July looks to be a real turning point with so much more positivity than has been seen in previous months. It’s a time of new ideas, creativity, achievements and a much easier way forward – with the proviso that we make the decision to walk away from the people or circumstances in our lives which are holding us back or bringing negativity to our
door. The question really is ‘Why would we want to stay in situations or with people who don’t value us?’
Wishing you all a jubilant July!