December 2017 Newsletter

Published: Thu, 11/30/17

Soulfully Connecting
December 2017 Newsletter

Welcome to our newsletter. We'd like to take this opportunity to introduce you to some of the things we do and the people who are helping us to do it.

In this edition you will find:
  • Our Mind Map which shows all the areas that we intend to cover
  • Angel Card readers
  • Angel Card reading for the month of December
  • Tarot card reading for the month of December
  • Upcoming Events
  • Crossword puzzle
  • Advertising information
  • Projects
  • How you can get involved

It is not work that kills men, it is worry.
Work is healthy; you can hardly put more on a man than he can bear.
But worry is rust upon the blade.
It is not movement that destroys the machinery, but friction.
Henry Ward Beecher


Mind Map

Angel Card Readers
Monika Phillips, House of Angel Card Readings kindly offers us weekly messages from the angels 
Caroline Nettle, Angel Readings UK kindly offers us monthly messages from the angels 
These readings can be found in This Month's Card Readings
  Angel Card Reading for December 2017

Tarot Card Reading for December 2017

Welcome to this month’s general card reading. I hope that it will resonate with those of you who read it and you will find it helpful.

Cards duplicated:
April, May, June, November and December – Ace of Cups
September and December – 2 of Pentacles
May, June, August and December - 7 of Pentacles

This month there are even fewer cards duplicated which feels decidedly like the new beginnings are really taking hold now.  The Ace of Cups has been the most frequently drawn card through 2017 which is about love and compassion – something that is sorely needed and that many have struggled with recently.  We might be feeling new energy regarding a new business or course of study that has been put on hold for a few months and the opportunity to make significant changes in our lives could surface again with more urgency.

As we start off this month we could find ourselves presented with a number of opportunities and feel spoilt for choice.  It’s important that we don’t spread ourselves too thinly, but weigh up the pros and cons and only follow up on the ones that feel more advantageous.

The first part of December we have to be careful not to get stubborn and dig our heels in.  We need to make sure we remain open minded and don’t let our ego and pride get in the way of our progress.  Sometimes the way forward presents itself with a sideways, or what might feel like a backward, step.  We need to make sure that we listen without preconceived ideas and assumptions.  We might be asked to take a course of study, or want to start a new project or business.  We would be advised to listen to all the information and then make a decision.

In the middle part of the month it is likely we will be asking ourselves some soul searching questions such as ‘Who am I?’, ‘What is my purpose on the planet?’.  More of us will be searching for deeper meaning to our lives and, as the saying goes, ‘when the student is ready, the teacher appears’.  Someone could appear in our lives who will help us with our learning – this could be in the form of a romantic relationship or as a business partner.

Towards the end of December love and compassion will be the order of the day, along with being around people that support us either in an emotional or financial way.  There is some really nice loving energy during the festive season.

As we come to the end of the month and the new year is fast approaching we will be asking ourselves whether it’s time to move on, even though things might not necessarily be uncomfortable where we are currently residing, there could be a sense of urgency about making some changes in our lives.

Our luck throughout the month is being willing to cut our losses if we start to feel like we’ve made a mistake in some area of our lives.  We would be wise to step carefully into new situations that present themselves and not indulge in flights of fancy and make emotional rather than rational decisions.  Whether it is a new job, relationship or house – does it really have the potential that we are looking for, or are we just making assumptions because it/he/she comes in an attractive package?  If we just take some time to think about our choices, we will save ourselves heartache down the line.

I wish you all a very happy Festive Season.  I hope that you enjoy the holidays and I look forward to connecting with you again in 2018.


Sue Ellam has been a tarot card reader for 23 years.  She participated in festivals around the world for 14 years, but is now based in London, UK.  She does readings via Skype and email, as well as face to face readings for people who are in the London area.  If you would be interested in finding out more about having a reading from Sue, then please contact her at

 Crossword Puzzles

I have great fun compiling crossword puzzles and learn so many new words.  There will be a new one every month.  I hope you enjoy solving them. :)

Here is the link to our crosswords.



  • We offer low cost advertising which includes proactive promotion of your business. 
  • You also have the opportunity of using this newsletter for special offers. 
  • All Premium advertisers have the opportunity of being interviewed and featured both on the Soulfully Connecting website and our YouTube channel.
  • Our job is to make you visible on a global level
  • Our advertising is ideally suited to small ethical businesses, with limited marketing budgets, that want to spend their time doing what they love and not constantly having to promote themselves on social media
Please check the link above to see if this is of interest.  Thank you for your time. :)


We are currently supporting the following projects:
Please check them out on our Projects page and if you feel to donate to help these worthy causes, you can be assured that all proceeds go to the projects themselves.  Updates will be added to the website and mentioned in future newsletters.

Thank you.

 How you can get involved

There are many ways you can become involved in the Soulfully Connecting community. 
Please contact us if anything strikes a chord, or if you have any suggestions.

The Team at Soulfully Connecting
With love and gratitude
The Team at Soulfully Connecting