August 2017 Newsletter

Published: Wed, 08/02/17

Soulfully Connecting
August 2017 Newsletter

Welcome to our newsletter. We'd like to take this opportunity to introduce you to some of the things we do and the people who are helping us to do it.

In this edition you will find:
  • Our Mind Map which shows all the areas that we intend to cover
  • Angel Card readers
  • Angel Card reading for the month of August
  • Tarot card reading for the month of August
  • Crossword puzzle
  • Upcoming events
  • Advertising information
  • Projects
  • How you can get involved

I am more and more convinced that our happiness or unhappiness depends far more on the way we meet the events of life, than on the nature of those events themselves.
Baron Alexander von Humboldt


Mind Map

Angel Card Readers
Monika Phillips, House of Angel Card Readings kindly offers us weekly messages from the angels 

Caroline Nettle, Angel Readings UK kindly offers us monthly messages from the angels 

These readings can be found in This Month's Card Readings

  Angel Card Reading for August 2017

 Tarot Card Reading for August 2017
Welcome to this month’s general card reading.  I hope that it will resonate with those of you who read it and you will find it helpful.

Cards duplicated:
March, July and August – 9 of Cups
March and August – King of Cups
May, June and August – 7 of Pentacles

If you have been following my readings you will notice that there are fewer duplicate cards this month than in the past – there is new energy surging in and there is a predominance of Cups which signifies that love is definitely in the air – in all its different forms.  The 9 of Cups has shown up again this month and signifies joy and celebration.  The only other recently drawn card is the 7 of Pentacles and that is about decisions on whether to move forward or not.

As we start off this month the energy of the healer is very much to the fore.  We are being asked to be there for others with loving help and support, but also to allow ourselves to be loved and supported too.  Allowing someone to help us is giving them a gift – it’s important to see it that way and not hold to the idea that it is better to give than to receive.  By receiving we give others the gift of giving – it has to work both ways.

The first part of August feels very restless.  We know that we can do more with our lives, but we might not necessarily know in which direction we should face.  The reason being is that the timing isn’t quite right yet – we need to celebrate our commitments and triumphs thus far.  Often we will finish one thing and rush straight into another without giving ourselves time to acknowledge our achievements.  The combination of the cards for the first part of the month is emphasising that we are in a waiting period.  We are completing one era of our lives and we are seeing the glimmer of the next stage, but it isn’t clear yet.  Patience is the key – we need to let everything unfold naturally and not try to push the river.  Everything will show itself when the time is right and not before, and we will save ourselves a lot of grief if we are patient.

In the middle part of the month we will need some hope and faith.  If anything is difficult or challenging in our lives, we would be well advised to look at the bright side – try to see the advantages in the situation.  As the old saying goes ‘If life gives us lemons, make lemonade’!  If we can keep our sights on the higher ground we will achieve a sense of peace – knowing that our dreams are about to come to fruition and also knowing where our hearts lie.  Things will start to become clearer as long as we are patient and don’t react to every bump in the road.

Towards the end of August we have decisions to make – do we stay with what we have or put our energy into something else.  We will probably find that this isn’t the easiest of decisions, as we might not be quite ready to let go of some of the things in our current lives which we would need to let go of in order to move forward.  For example – if a change of employment is feeling necessary, we might not want to leave some of the friends we have made behind us.  It would be a good idea to meditate on it or make a list of pros and cons about the decisions that we have been faced with, and make sure that fear and anxiety don’t play a part in those decisions.  We don’t lose what’s ours – we only lose the things that are past their sell by date.  It is important to move forward with confidence.

As we come to the end of the month there is a strong feeling of bonds that have been made.  Friendships and relationships that are based on love and mutual respect!  Love is definitely in the air and it could be time for some of us to find our significant other if they haven’t yet appeared on the horizon.
Our luck throughout the month is to honour ourselves – only doing the things that bring joy to our hearts.  If we wake up every morning in anticipation of the day ahead – spending time with the people we love and/or spending time doing the things that we love – then we will be very much on track for good things to come our way.


Sue Ellam has been a tarot card reader for 22 years.  She participated in festivals around the world for 14 years, but is now based in London, UK.  She does readings via Skype and email, as well as face to face readings for people who are in the London area.  If you would be interested in finding out more about having a reading from Sue, then please contact her at

 Crossword Puzzles

I have great fun compiling crossword puzzles and learn so many new words.  There will be a new one every month.  I hope you enjoy solving them. :)

Here is the link to our crosswords.

  Upcoming Events

24/29 Sept - Sue Stone's Transformational Retreat, Mohon, France



  • We offer low cost advertising which includes proactive promotion of your business. 
  • You also have the opportunity of using this newsletter for special offers. 
  • All Premium advertisers have the opportunity of being interviewed and featured both on the Soulfully Connecting website and our YouTube channel.
  • Our job is to make you visible on a global level
  • Our advertising is ideally suited to small ethical businesses, with limited marketing budgets, that want to spend their time doing what they love and not constantly having to promote themselves on social media
Please check the link above to see if this is of interest.  Thank you for your time. :)


We are currently supporting the following projects:
Please check them out on our Projects page and if you feel to donate to help these worthy causes, you can be assured that all proceeds go to the projects themselves.  Updates will be added to the website and mentioned in future newsletters.

Thank you.

 How you can get involved

There are many ways you can become involved in the Soulfully Connecting community. 
Please contact us if anything strikes a chord, or if you have any suggestions.

The Team at Soulfully Connecting
With love and gratitude
The Team at Soulfully Connecting