February 2017 Newsletter

Published: Mon, 02/27/17

Soulfully Connecting
February 2017 Newsletter

Welcome to our newsletter. We'd like to take this opportunity to introduce you to some of the things we do and the people who are helping us to do it.

In this edition you will find:
  • Our Mind Map which shows all the areas that we intend to cover
  • New advertisers
  • New authors
  • Special Offers
  • Tarot card reading for the month of March
  • Crossword puzzle
  • Upcoming events
  • Advertising information
  • Projects
  • How you can get involved

 Many of life’s failures are experienced by people who did not realize

how close they were to success when they gave up.

Thomas Edison


Mind Map

New Advertisers

Creating the Unstoppable You - helping people reach their highest potential and fulfill their purpose by clearing the limiting beliefs that sabotage their success and awakening unshakable self-love.

Mystic Matters - tarot and graphology readings to help bring clarity to life situations

New Authors

Michelle Adam - assisting others in awakening the spirit of the earth, “duende,” within them, and creating a space for the celebration of life.

Helen Sanders - dedicated to spreading the benefits of good health and ensuring that my advice can be shared with every day people living every day lives.

 Special Offers

‘Spring Refresh’ Wellbeing offers for people, horses and their owners from Robyn Harris of Equenergy. The offer must be booked by 31 March 2017. Read about the special offers here

 Tarot Card Reading for March 2017

Welcome to this coming month’s general card reading.  I hope that it will resonate with those of you who read it and you will find it helpful.

As we leave the challenging month of February behind us, we start March off with a much more upbeat feeling.  There is a sense of achievement and people could be congratulating us and recognising the steps forward we have been taking.  We will be feeling much more positive.

However, there are still the remnants of conflicts to be dealt with at the beginning of the month.  It could be due to us having ignored situations that we really should have dealt with and that has resulted in bad feeling and possibly arguments unless we sort it out.  The things that come to the surface really need to however, because then true healing can take place and understanding will be the result if everything is handled calmly with love and not anger.

There is a real sense of confusion running through the first half of the month – nothing feels safe or particularly settled and we don’t have all the answers that we would like.  It is really important that we just let go of expectations and go with the flow, or else we are likely to drive ourselves crazy with trying to gain control when there is no way that we will be able to.  There are too many external things going on for that to happen.  All we can do is control ourselves.

Around the middle of the month we will eventually see a glimmer of the direction we are meant to be going in and there will be positivity and knowledge related to what we are meant to be doing.  The middle of March feels like a real turning point where we come out of chaos and confusion into some sort of clarity and strength of purpose.

During the last part of the month we will be feeling much more productive and some of us could be very much in the roles of counsellors and healers – helping others through their challenges.  We must make sure that we accept help though as there is a tendency to give but not to receive.  There is a sense of joy and celebration – validation of the commitment we have made to ourselves, the people close to us and the work that we do.  We have made it! J

Well, we haven’t quite made it, because the Hanged Man from the February spread has turned up again in March, showing us that there are still some willing sacrifices to be made in order to embrace a future which is more in line with who we are now, rather than who we used to be. 
So, as March comes to a close, we will be looking at what things in our lives have passed their sell by dates – which friendships don’t resonate any more, what job is no longer bearable and what circumstances in our lives no longer bring us joy.  It is a time of reckoning and making some decisions about what we need to free ourselves from so we can bound forward rather than drag ourselves step by weary step with all our unwanted baggage.

Our luck throughout March is that we are getting help, both seen and unseen.  When we are at the end of our tether, we will find that burdens will be taken off our shoulders.  It is being recognised that we have had enough, we need support and it will be there for us – predominantly from the spiritual realms.  Just ask and you will receive.


Sue Ellam has been a tarot card reader for 22 years.  She has participated in festivals around the world for 14 years, but is now based in London, UK.  She does readings via Skype and email, as well as face to face readings for people who are in the London area.  If you would be interested in finding out more about having a reading from Sue, then please contact her at suereadings@aol.com.

 Crossword Puzzle - March 2017

I have had great fun compiling this crossword puzzle, and there will be a new one every month in the newsletter.  I hope you enjoy solving it. :)

Here is the link to our crosswords.

  Upcoming Events

12 March - 30 April - Weekly Aware Presence Transmissions with Tony Samara, online event

13 March - Full Moon Aware Presence with Tony Samara, online event
17 - 21 March - Detox, Meditation and Yoga Retreat, Sagres, Portugal



  • We offer low cost advertising which includes proactive promotion of your business. 
  • You also have the opportunity of using this newsletter for special offers. 
  • All Premium advertisers have the opportunity of being interviewed and featured both on the Soulfully Connecting website and our YouTube channel.
  • Our job is to make you visible on a global level
  • Our advertising is ideally suited to small ethical businesses, with limited marketing budgets, that want to spend their time doing what they love and not constantly having to promote themselves on social media
Please check the link above to see if this is of interest.  Thank you for your time. :)


We are currently supporting the following projects:
Please check them out on our Projects page and if you feel to donate to help these worthy causes, you can be assured that all proceeds go to the projects themselves.  Updates will be added to the website and mentioned in future newsletters.

Thank you.

 How you can get involved

There are many ways you can become involved in the Soulfully Connecting community. 
Please contact us if anything strikes a chord, or if you have any suggestions.

The Team at Soulfully Connecting
With love and gratitude
The Team at Soulfully Connecting