January 2017 Newsletter

Published: Mon, 01/30/17

Soulfully Connecting
January 2017 Newsletter

Welcome to our newsletter. We'd like to take this opportunity to introduce you to some of the things we do and the people who are helping us to do it.

In this edition you will find:
  • Our Mind Map which shows all the areas that we intend to cover
  • New advertisers
  • New author
  • Tarot card reading for the month of February
  • Crossword puzzle
  • Upcoming events
  • Advertising information
  • Projects
  • How you can get involved

If you want to succeed in the world you must make your own opportunities as you go on.

The man who waits for some seventh wave to toss him on dry land will find that the seventh wave is a long time a coming.

You can commit no greater folly than to sit by the roadside until some one comes along and invites you to ride with him to wealth or influence.

John B. Gough


Mind Map

New Advertisers

The Giggling People - exploring the benefits of using psilocybin fungi to help treat two different mental health conditions.

Angel Readings UK - Seeking answers to questions about emotional issues, health or financial woes, romance & relationship troubles or why you are here? Ask the angels!

Spiritual Growth Tools - What I can offer you is relief from emotional, physical or spiritual pain.

New Author

Robyn Harris - specialises in healing for horses, other animals as well as people

 Tarot Card Reading for February 2017

Welcome to this coming month’s general card reading.  I hope that it will resonate with those of you who read it and you will find it helpful.

The overall feeling is that this will be quite a challenging month – nothing feels settled.  It is up to us to find our own peace amongst the turmoil that is going on around us.

We start off the month with a feeling of movement – expansion, as though the life we are living is no longer big enough for us.  We might be looking at changing jobs, moving home – whatever it is there is a feeling of restlessness and being ready for new things.

The beginning of the month feels quite overwhelming – we have too much to do in too little time.  It’s important to be kind to ourselves and be prepared to say no.  Be discerning about who we help – are they in genuine need (as in a small child or someone who is unable to help them self) or are they just being lazy and looking to us to carry them.  It is time to look at the latter relationships and decide whether we wish to continue putting up with them, or whether we are ready to let go and build a better financial and material future for ourselves without their draining influence.

As we move into the middle of the month we are being asked to make willing sacrifices of some things in our lives in order to welcome in better circumstances.  It is up to us if we take action at this time, or leave it until a later date, but if this resonates with you then you will find that eventually the choice will be taken out of your hands and changes will happen anyway.  This can be quite an unsettling time – a battle with the ego and the emotions.  It is important to try not to let emotion carry us away, as it is wont to do.  If there is a decision to be made, then look at all sides of the situation.  If we look at the problem we are facing as a mountain – yes, it might look steep and insurmountable from one angle, but the other side of the mountain might be totally different and very easy to climb.  There is more than one side to every obstacle – it’s up to us to remain calm and, from that peaceful state, the answer often comes to us.

As we approach the end of the month it is important that we distance ourselves from gossip and gossipy people.  We could end up being blamed in the ‘he said/she said’ game.  We are advised to keep our own counsel and only tell our plans to the people who need to know.  The reason being is that not everyone will support us in our plans and their negative energy could take us off track and make us doubt ourselves and the path we have chosen.  We will feel more inquisitive and want to know the ins and outs of things going on around us and it is likely that opportunities will arrive out of the blue.  Remember that all opportunities can be turned into positive experiences if we have the right mind set – however they may appear on arrival.

By the time we get to the end of the month we will have come to the conclusion that we need to makes some changes.  These could come in the guise of giving up an addiction, making life style changes etc.  What is important is that the changes we make to ourselves and the way we live our lives has to be motivated by us – it is no one else’s business.  There is also the temptation to give up which makes it even more important that we follow your own intuition about how we want to proceed with our lives.

Our luck throughout the month of February is to do with tact and diplomacy.  We need to take a softly, softly approach – banging on doors and making loud noises won’t get us anywhere.  It is a time to move forward with a peaceful heart and demeanour.


Sue Ellam has been a tarot card reader for 22 years.  She has participated in festivals around the world for 14 years, but is now based in London, UK.  She does readings via Skype and email, as well as face to face readings for people who are in the London area.  If you would be interested in finding out more about having a reading from Sue, then please contact her at suereadings@aol.com.

 Crossword Puzzle - February 2017

 I have had great fun compiling this crossword puzzle, and there will be a new one every month in the newsletter.  I hope you enjoy solving it. :)

Here is the link to our crosswords.

  Upcoming Events

5 Nov - 4 Mar 2017 (Saturdays) - Curso de Reiki para Terapeutas Profissionais - Cascais, Portugal



  • We offer low cost advertising which includes proactive promotion of your business. 
  • You also have the opportunity of using this newsletter for special offers. 
  • All Premium advertisers have the opportunity of being interviewed and featured both on the Soulfully Connecting website and our YouTube channel.
  • Our job is to make you visible on a global level
  • Our advertising is ideally suited to small ethical businesses, with limited marketing budgets, that want to spend their time doing what they love and not promoting themselves on social media
Please check the link above to see if this is of interest.  Thank you for your time. :)


We are currently supporting the following projects:
Please check them out on our Projects page and if you feel to donate to help these worthy causes, you can be assured that all proceeds go to the projects themselves.  Updates will be added to the website and mentioned in future newsletters.

Thank you.

 How you can get involved

There are many ways you can become involved in the Soulfully Connecting community. 
Please contact us if anything strikes a chord, or if you have any suggestions.

The Team at Soulfully Connecting
With love and gratitude
The Team at Soulfully Connecting