October 2015 Newsletter

Published: Tue, 10/13/15

Soulfully Connecting
October 2015 Newsletter

Welcome to our newsletter. We'd like to take this opportunity to introduce you to some of the things we do and the people who are helping us to do it.

In this edition you will find:

  • Our Mind Map which shows all the areas that we intend to cover
  • Author interviews
    • Teri Dluznieski - Shamanic Healer/Educator
    • Joan Jacobs - Emotional Healing Specialist
    • John Osborne - Naturopath
  • Welcoming new advertisers
  • Advertising information
  • October events
  • Competitions and Offers
  • How you can get involved

 Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts.

This is the secret of success. 

Swami Sivananda 

Mind Map


Author Interviews

This month we have interviews with Teri Dluznieski, Joan Jacobs and John Osborne.

 Teri Dluznieski Interview
Shamanic Healing/Education

The below Q&As are an insight into Teri and her work.

1.  Who are you?

My name is Teri.  I live in Vermont,  on a small farm.  It is an ongoing project, slowly building up a more sustainable property. I have a small herd of goats, a dog and cat- and I am a sci-fi junkie, fascinated by the possible , more than by the probable.

2.  What do you do?

I wear many different hats.  I have done things throughout my life, from sales-marketing-management, to sword-making. But throughout all of it, the core and anchor has always been helping others: to be happier, healthier, and to become the best versions of themselves.  I have a background in education, that I combine with herbalism, bodywork and shamanic healing.  It all comes together in unique ways-constantly changing and evolving.  I am also a published author, of 5 books, all focused on creating greater awareness and insights in health and spirituality.

3.  Why do you do it?

I am not sure I have a perfect answer to this question.  I think healers have a calling.  It isn’t something I DO, but rather, something I am.  There is something inherent in my nature, in the nature of any healer- just as with an artist… And that trait expresses itself throughout every day every year. I am perpetually drawn by my curiosity- exploring the link between our environment, our diet-nutrition, and our spiritual-emotional health.  And the ways they connect in a sort of Yin-Yang dynamic- drawing us forward and holding us back simultaneously.  When people learn to see their stories as dynamics, and find the power in their life-wounds, they become catalysts for change and growth in the world around them.  With that, Tomorrow becomes a very exciting possibility.

4.  What is the biggest challenge you have with your work?

Educating people.  Especially in the US, where there is not as strong a tradition in herbal medicine and traditional healing.  That, and finding my audience.  It is one thing to know there are a lot of people who are interested and eager to learn more; it is quite another to know where and how to connect with them.  That is why sites and programs like Soulfully Connecting are SO important, for both healers-mentors, and those that are seeking information!

5.  What is the greatest joy that your work brings you?

When I hear from someone, or someone I know and have worked with, has that Aha, and their life completely transforms.  Possibility and potential become realities and their full potential expands. When I hear back from someone, and they “get it,” even if they were struggling with traumatic issues…. And now they see that they have been on a Path. That gives me a deep satisfaction, knowing that those small ripples of healing and raised vibration, will travel and spread.


Joan Jacobs Interview
Emotional Healing Specialist

This is a transcript that Joan sent me of her answers - they are not a verbatim account of our interview though.

1.  Who are you?

I am an emotional healing specialist with 30 years experience in both individual and group healing. I lecture at Faculty of Health Sciences at the Ben Gurion University, Israel. I'm also founder of Unleashing the Healthy-Self Online Program where I help people from all over the world to achieve emotional, mental and physical health. 

I've written 3 books:
  • Messages From the Soul- A Holistic Approach to Healing
  • 10 Critical Questions Your Doctor Will (Probably) Not Ask You
  • Beyond Doubt- The 3 Step Formula for Creating Unbeatable Self-Esteem
I'm also former radio host of The Light Within - Awakening The Inner Healer Radio Show on voiceamerica.com.

2.   What do you do?

I help people achieve optimal health by transforming unhealthy thought patterns and by resolving past and present negative emotions.

I also provide my clients with extremely effective self-management tools so that they know how to preserve the state of health & wellness they achieved long after the initial healing is completed. 

3.  Why do you do it?

When I was 16 I developed severe psoriasis which is a chronic, and incurable skin disease. I was told by the medial doctors that I'd have to  learn to live with it because there is no cure. I was furious and devastated. I was a teenager, when all you really care about are your looks and there I was, covered from top to bottom with ugly red scaley lesions all over my body.
I remember saying to myself that there's no way I'm going to live with this condition. Although I was unaware at the time I basically vowed to find a solution.

Given that both my parents were medical professionals, my dad was a gastroenterologist and my mom a registered nurse, I grew up believing that doctors knew everything and could solve anything. That sort of exploded in my face, which added fuel to my determination to find a solution. To make a long story short I resolved my psoriasis but to do so I had to transform many many negative beliefs I had and I had to resolve very toxic negative emotions I had. But it worked. And when it worked for me I knew that my life mission was to bring the knowledge, experience and tools I had learnt to as many people as possible worldwide.

Only later did I educate myself formally and the rest is history. I've been healing people for 30 years which is more than half of my life.

4.  What is the biggest challenge you have with your work?

Sometimes I feel like the cow who wants to suckle more than the calf wants to suck. I feel as though I have this wonderful gift to give people and I want to get it out to as many people as possible, but the healing that I do requires a shift in consciousness and an awakening of a new way of being in the world. Its about learning new ways of relating to yourself and your body. It requires a shift from the current medical paradigm that's focused on the physical body and works from the outside inward to a holistic paradigm that works from the inside out. That's a big shift. 

I want to get out there and help as many people as possible and I created this amazing online program but for some people the timing is off or the awareness isn’t there yet so it doesn’t resonate for them. It's frustrating to know that you can help someone but for whatever reason they don’t want your help.

Understanding the process that must happen for people to heal from the inside out helps me deal with this challenge, and I feel a lot of compassion and respect for any choice people make but sometimes, deep down inside, I feel a sense of loss. 

5.  What is the greatest joy that your work brings you?

There's probably nothing more gratifying than helping people transform from states of suffering, pain, hopelessness, failure, lack of purpose and so on, into a state of health, happiness and self-realization. It brings me tremendous joy and satisfaction and inspiration. I feel very blessed to be able to help people in that way, may be more so because I was there. I know what desperate is like. I know what suffering is like.

To me, every person that comes to me for individual sessions and every person that goes through my online program is like a spark of light that needs to be nurtured and cultivated so it can shine and glow and prosper and heal. I feel honored by every person who joins me on a  journey to inner healing and privileged to be able be there for them, which is why I really put my whole heart into each individual process.

My website: www.jjacobshealth.com   

John Osborne Interview

Please check out the offers below as there is one from John

Welcoming New Advertisers
(in alphabetical order)

Flying Inspiration - UK - http://bit.ly/1Lcb7tO
theGODDESScollections - USA - http://bit.ly/1JxFABz
'The Monster's Castle' - UK - http://bit.ly/1JHywlJ



We offer low cost advertising which includes proactive promotion of your business.  You also have the opportunity of using this newsletter for special offers.  Please check the link above to see if this is of interest.  Thank you for your time. :)


(October 2015)

12 – 17 October       Scribe (Middlewich Literary Festival) – Cheshire East, UK



Workshops and Talks at SCRIBE (Middlewich Literary Festival) 2015

It's the start of our fabulous SCRIBE festival in Middlewich, Cheshire. You may have heard about Middlewich recently, as the town hosted the Loyal Company of Town Criers Championship competition. Well, just as the dust settles from the party of the criers, we are about to kick it up again as we celebrate SCRIBE.

Are you a writer? Do you enjoy books and reading? Well then, this is the festival for you. We have a wonderful selection of guest authors for you to meet and talk with, all appearing on Saturday, October 17th. You can find them on our Writers in the Real World panel over in the Boatyard Artspace, and at Book Bites in Middlewich Civic Hall. Our authors write a bit of everything, from romance to horror, true stories about ship wrecks, to local myth and magic. You are sure to have an enchanting time!


And that’s not all. For the children, we have the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party hosted by professional storyteller John Kirk. Fancy dress is optional but highly recommended… Following the tea party, you and your children can join in with an illustration workshop. Our resident artist Ian Hill-Smith teams up with children’s writer Philip Latham for a blind drawing exercise that will be very entertaining and offer lots of interactive fun.

Then there are the wonderful workshops on offer. All day Saturday you can try your hand at writing poetry, writing for radio and writing non-fiction. All workshops are available on a booking basis, and you are advised to book your tickets as soon as possible, since we have chosen small, intimate venues to enhance your writing experience. Throughout the week we have a variety of events happening during the evening, including “Jane Austen, Money and Marriage” hosted by Elizabeth Williams, and Read Dating at Middlewich Library. There are events at local pubs featuring Miles Hunt from the Wonderstuff, and John Lindley with “Reel to Real.”


SCRIBE begins on Monday 12th October with a launch party at Drinks and Bites café, and it will be broadcast live on Red Shift Radio. On Thursday, 15th October, you are invited to our Short Story Awards Evening at Middlewich Town Hall, where you can read the best of our story entries, and cheer on our talented young writers as they receive their prizes. Come along and join us, and bring your friends! 

 Competitions and Offers

After far too many let downs, I am delighted to tell you that thanks to our very talented
web site designer* our now site, www.homecures.co.uk is now live.

We know what our products can do, the benefits people can achieve. How good health
can be gained from taking natural remedies that actually do work for our health. Please
can you help us to help others to get the message out?  That there are ways of preventing serious illness, of staying healthy and, in many cases, recovering good health. All by natural means.

Please can you forward this message to as many people as you possibly can? People who
would enjoy knowing that help is at hand and that we are able by 100% natural means to
honestly say, as one of you has so kindly done "I am better now thanks to Home Cures
Serrapeptase Force Plus(TM) or Strong(TM) and Curcumin 99(TM)". That is our reward.

Your reward will be an extra pot of whatever you order, Serrapeptase or Curcumin when
you next order and quote the code - Promo1 - and tell us how many people you sent this
message on to! Whether your list is ten or thousands, your reward will be the same. And our undying gratitude.

Oh, and if you are a Facebook fan, please could you give this a tweak -

Best Wishes,
Nathalie & John Osborne,

Skype john.osborne7

* And that web site designer - http://wizardwebsites.co.uk/



'The Naturally Smarter Kid: A Parent's Guide to Helping Kids Succeed in School and Life'' by Teri J Dluznieski M.Ed is coming out in Hard Cover very shortly and she has offered it to Soulfully Connecting subscribers for a limited period at a special price of $2.99.

The book is already out in Kindle version - you can check it out here - http://amzn.to/1KXmZo2

If you would like to take advantage of this great offer - then all you need to do is subscribe in the 'News and Offers' box on our website - www.soulfully-connecting.com - and watch out for further emails.


 How you can get involved

There are many ways you can become involved in the Soulfully Connecting community. 
  • Become an author
  • Participate in the Community Forum
  • Promote your events for free
  • Tell us about worthwhile causes which are receiving little or no funding
  • Add images to our Gallery
  • Contribute content to our newsletters which would interest our readers
  • Take advantage of our low cost advertising
Please contact us if anything strikes a chord, or if you have any suggestions.


The Team at Soulfully Connecting
With love and gratitude
The Team at Soulfully Connecting