Welcome to this month’s general card reading. I hope that it will resonate with those of you who read it, and you will find it helpful.
Cards duplicated in the last 6 months:
September, October, January and February – 6 of Wands
September and February – 5 of Swords
October and February - Justice
Here we have the 6 of Wands turning up for the fourth time in a six month period. It’s an indication that those of us who have been putting in the effort
will be recognised and applauded for our achievements. Some of us could be experiencing some grief or a feeling of betrayal and it is wise to keep a cool head if the people around us are being overcome by emotion.
As we start off this month there is
cause for joy and celebration if we have fully committed to the work that we do, and/or our friends and family.
The first part of February could find us basking in the praise that other people are giving us for some achievement or other, but there is also this feeling of being stuck between a rock and a hard place where, whichever way we turn, someone is going to be upset with
us. We need to ask ourselves if we have been completely transparent about some issue or other, or have we been keeping someone else in the dark. This doesn’t have to be for any nefarious purpose – it could just be about not hurting their feelings, but we might want to rethink our strategy and find a way of including and then keeping them in the loop.
In the middle part of the
month we could find someone leaving our life which might possibly be as a result of not being completely honest with them. If that scenario doesn’t apply, then it could also be a feeling of grief about losing someone or something that was important to us. However, it isn’t time to wallow as we need to walk our talk and move forward in a strong and positive way. It is important not to allow people to hold us back or stand in our way. They can accompany us on the
journey if they wish, but as a support not a distraction.
Towards the end of February some of us could be moving house or changing our job. There is a feeling of expansion and change which brings in more opportunities.
As we come to the end of the month we need to look
after ourselves and not get so tied up with the abundant opportunities that we forget that we also need nourishment and rest. In the excitement of new experiences, we really would be wise to pace ourselves and not to try and get everything done in a week!
Our luck throughout the month is to recognise that it’s the end of an era and we will get the reward we deserve, through the
effort we have put into our life. My grandmother had a favourite saying, ‘You can’t put a penny in and expect to get sixpence out!’
Our main challenge this month is to keep a level head when all around might be losing theirs. If we have any legal issues going on, then we need to put our emotions to the side.
Summary – the cards read like it is the end of something and the start of something else this month. There is the success within the first week, with a period of feeling stuck and loss of something or someone, immediately followed by needing to pull ourselves up by the bootlaces and forge forward to, maybe, a new location and new opportunities. It’s as if we don’t have time to wallow in grief as we have important things to get on
with. Obviously, if this is a physical death we need time to grieve that person, but it’s almost as though we are being nudged to keep moving forward in other ways, whilst also mourning our loss. Basically, it’s no time to stand still.
I hope that everyone has a fantastic February with many wonderful opportunities presenting themselves.
Sue Ellam has been a tarot card reader for 29 years. She participated in festivals around the world for 14 years, but is now based in London, UK. She does readings via Zoom and phone. If you would
be interested in finding out more about having a reading from Sue, then please check out her website www.mystic-matters.co.uk.