Welcome to this month’s general card reading. I hope that it will resonate with those of you who read it and you will find it helpful.
Cards duplicated in the last 6
January, May and June – Knight of Cups
May and June – Temperance
May and June – The Sun
May and June – The Lovers
January, March and June – 7 of Cups
January and June – Justice
Four of the cards are repeated from last month and three of them are major arcana. The message being
given is do what you love, nourish your relationships, make wise decisions and be excited for the journey ahead. Added to that we are asked to look out for new opportunities and to keep a level head when choosing our direction forward.
As we start off this month we are being asked to focus on the things that we love. This could be in the form of a person or people, or it could be a
hobby or job that lights us up.
The first part of June is about new opportunities that present themselves, but also about not spreading ourselves too thinly by trying to do everything at once – the word to live by is prioritise. There is the tendency to fall into worry and anxiety and fear of repeating the past instances when things didn’t work out as expected. The mixture
of opportunity and fear equals stagnation and a downward spiral. The past is the past, we are all different people to the ones we were even yesterday – there are subtle differences due to knowledge that comes to us on a daily basis, often subconsciously. Therefore, learn the lessons from the past but don’t let them serve as an obstacle to embracing new opportunities with excitement and positivity.
In the middle part of the month some important choices could be coming our way and we need to think seriously about them as other people are affected by the choices we make. One of these choices could lead us to our soul journey and a new project which we feel driven to do. The emphasis isn’t about the money we might make, but the impact we can have on other people’s lives.
Towards the end of June some of us could have some legal issues to deal with, or other situations which require a cool and calm approach. We need to keep our heads when, possibly, all around are losing theirs. An emotional approach will get in our way at this time. If we manage to remain balanced with our emotions in check, we will see our way forward much more clearly and be excited and enthusiastic about what is ahead of
As we come to the end of the month we can celebrate the balance and harmony in our relationships. When we come from an energy of love we will attract loving people towards us. However, if we come from an energy of fear we will attract people who are fearful and who will douse us in negative energy – and who needs that?
Our luck throughout the month is self-improvement and spending our energy in always making sure that we are better than we were yesterday, last week etc. This isn’t about competing with others, but making sure that we are giving of our best in every aspect of our lives, which will ensure that we receive the best in return.
Our main challenge
this month is to find the time to have some fun. We could be so focused on new projects that we don’t set aside some time to just enjoy ourselves – have a meal with friends, go to the theatre, go on a hike – whatever floats your boat.
Summary – the main message here is to focus on the things and people we love and not to give in to fear – whatever might be going on around us.
In that way we will be able to make clear and positive decisions which aren’t clouded or influenced by the negativity which can be overwhelming at times.
I wish you an exciting and positive June and don’t forget to have some fun!
Sue Ellam has been a tarot card reader for 29 years. She participated in festivals around the world for 14 years, but is now based in London, UK. She does readings via Zoom and phone. If you would be interested in finding out more about having a reading from Sue, then
please check out her website www.mystic-matters.co.uk.