Welcome to this month’s general card reading. I hope that it will resonate with those of you who read it and you will find it helpful.
Cards duplicated in the last 6 months:
January and February – 4 of Swords
October and February - Death
October and February – 10 of Cups
The duplicate cards this month speak to me in a message which is – listen to our inner voice rather than to other people’s opinions and take time to ourselves. There will be the opportunity for long lasting and loving relationships as well as a new way of life, if we can let go of the old.
As we start off this month it could feel like we are making a lot of effort for small returns. We could be getting enough money to scrape by, but it comes with a fair amount of work attached to it.
The first part of February is a bit of a kick up the backside to be honest. We need to ask ourselves what we need to do to change our situation – no point sitting and feeling sorry for ourselves or hard done by. Do we have habits or thoughts that are holding us back and stopping us progressing? We are being asked to have a
long, hard and honest look at ourselves to see what we need to work on. This is an inner journey, it’s not about what other people think we need to change – it’s purely what we consider is now holding us back, though it might have worked for us in the past. This won’t be a long and arduous process because the next card is about the energy of the imagination and being ready to go on a journey of discovery. All it takes is the willingness to adjust ourselves and our outlook and
the magic starts happening.
In the middle part of the month there is an energy of abundance and fertility. Some of us could be starting and nurturing new projects and some others could find that they are pregnant. If parenthood isn’t wanted at this time, be extra careful because it’s a potent time. This comes with the opportunity of a new way of life
if we can let go of the old. These two major arcana cards make this a very powerful and life changing time if we so wish. We can choose to flow with it all, or resist it – the choice is always ours.
Towards the end of February we will appreciate the network and support system that we have around us. There are people who will help us, as we will help them in equal measure. However, by the end of February we will be ready (and well advised) to take some quiet time to ourselves – a time of contemplation and meditation, or just
some time to gather our thoughts and cut off the outside noise and opinions.
As we come to the end of the month the focus is on strong, lasting and loving relationships. Some people might meet their Mr/Ms Right while others will have nurturing and loving relationships with friends and family. This is about finding our tribe, the people who will lift us up and make us better versions of
Our luck throughout the month is to ask ourselves the really important questions – ‘Who am I?’, ‘Why am I here on this planet at this time?’, ‘What is my purpose on a soul level?’. The more we ask ourselves these questions, the more enlightenment and joy we welcome into our lives. We elevate ourselves into a more spiritual
understanding and the chaos of the world around us ceases to affect us as much, because it becomes much smaller when we are looking at everything from a higher perspective.
Wishing everyone a Fantastic February! This month can be truly life changing if we are willing to take responsibility for our own lives, rather than blame others for our woes – if that is our tendency. All of us are spiritual beings living a material life and that is the way to approach our lives because then we will be lead to our unique
purpose and the people who will love and support us. It really is high time to leave the people and situations behind that don’t bring love and laughter into our lives. Every one of us deserves that!
Sue Ellam has been a tarot card reader for 26 years. She participated in festivals around the world for 14 years, but is now based in London, UK. She does readings via Zoom and phone. If you would be interested in finding out more about having a reading from Sue, then please check out her website www.mystic-matters.co.uk.