Welcome to this month’s general card reading. I hope that it will resonate with those of you who read it and you will find it helpful.
Cards duplicated in the last 6 months:
October and November – 7 of Swords
August, October and November – 5 of Pentacles
July, October and November – 9 of Wands
September and November – The Chariot
July and November – Ace of Cups
July and November – The Sun
The first thing that struck me when I looked at these cards was that three were repeated from October and another from September. There is a definite theme running through this time we are experiencing. The energy from last month which is still relevant is the need to be diplomatic and tactful, not to get overwhelmed by any obstacles we might happen upon and to be
prepared to walk away from people, situations and/or mind sets that no longer serve us. All tied up with the energy from September of being focused and disciplined and we are faced with quite an intense learning curve in the month of November, especially since we have five major arcana cards in a spread of nine.
As we start off this month we are being asked to make willing sacrifices of what no longer serves us in order to move forward and embrace new things in our lives. We still have a bit of time on our hands to disentangle ourselves from our comfort zones – whether they are in fact comfortable or just familiar – but
throughout the rest of the reading the push for change is getting stronger and it has been ramping up for a few months now.
The first part of November could herald new opportunities which come out of the blue. It is wise not to dismiss anything out of hand just because it isn’t something that we would usually consider. Sometimes blessings come in strange clothing. This opportunity could take us down another route and bring
another life choice into our sphere. My advice is to check out every possibility, look at it from every angle and if we then feel it’s something which could work, throw ourselves wholeheartedly into the process. It is important to be absolutely sure of our commitment and then we can move forward in a positive and empowered fashion, and nobody will be able to take us off track.
In the middle part of the month our hearts will be open and some of us will be open to an intimate relationship, while others will be moving forward into the world with compassion and a wish to help others in any way we can. In any event, we need to be diplomatic and tactful in our approach to others, banging on doors
and any pushy-ness in getting our needs met won’t be received well – so we need to tread carefully and not inadvertently stomp on anyone’s toes in the process of following our hearts.
Towards the end of November we could hit a few obstacles – it reminds me of the saying about things getting difficult at the eleventh hour. It’s important not to get downhearted but to ask ourselves why we have hit an obstacle – is there something that we have overlooked which needs to be done before we can move
forward, or have we lost our way a bit and need to correct our course? At the end of the day, obstacles are only opportunities to learn and they are fleeting – unless we decide to make a meal of them and allow them to stop us in our tracks for a long period of time. The good news is that once we have dealt with the obstacle, the Sun (major arcana card) will shine on us and show us the road ahead and we will be filled with renewed enthusiasm. It’s a positive end to a potentially
very tricky and challenging month.
As we come to the end of the month we are once again being asked to walk away from the situations which are no longer bearing fruit. This has been the theme since August and we still have more to do. It’s not just about walking away from physical things, but also walking away from belief system, ideologies and
anything ego based. This can be very difficult for many people who refuse to admit that they have been wrong, or mislead, about certain routes that they have chosen to take. It is time to take off the rose-coloured glasses in order to see people and situations clearly, rather than how we want them to be. There are too many people whose prosperity depends on the vast majority of humanity walking around with blindfolds on. When we take off our blindfolds we are less likely
to walk off a cliff!
Our luck throughout the month is focus and discipline. It’s important to channel our energy into productive enterprises, rather than getting frustrated or angry because not everything is working exactly the way we want it to. It’s a choice of taking the high road rather than the lower
Wishing you all a nourishing November, where you get all the help and support you need whilst navigating through a few challenging times.